Page 96 - 中國動物保健雜誌2017年第19卷第3期
P. 96




                                                        ??, ?清?
                                    (廊坊??技??院?物科?与技?系 河北廊坊 065000)

                摘要: 本??旨在研究不同??程序?母?生?性能的影?。?取三?的?白妊娠母? 80 ?,?机分?
                2 ?,每? 40 ?,分??喂?种??,保??????每天??成分的?入量相同。??期?一?繁殖
                周期, ?果?示:在?防母?便秘??上,???的母?便秘?生的??明?低于?照?;?照?和?
                ??在?仔?方面差异不?著(P>0.05);但????活仔?比?照?提高了 12.35%(P<0.05);?照?与
                ????仔?初生重差异不?著 (P>0.05);在?奶??方面,???比?照?相比提高 11.09%(P<
                0.05); 在?奶均重方面,???比?照?提高了 6.41%(P<0.05)。??:母?妊娠期采用不同的??程
                序,?影?母?的生?性能, 其中??活仔?和?奶均重影??著。
                ???: ??程序;母?妊娠期;生?性能

                  Effect of different breeding programs the productive performance of sows

                                                    Liu Li,Pang Qinggang
                                      (Langfang Polytechnic Institute,Langfang Hebei,065001)
                Abstract:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the different breeding program on the sows' reproductive
                performance. Eighty Landrace pregnant sows were randomly divided into two groups with forty sows in each
                group. Two kinds of diets were involved, and keep the same nutrient intake every day in each group. The re-
                sult showed as follows: There was no significant difference between the control group and the experimental
                group in the litter size. The number of diarrhea of treatment group was lower than the control. Compared
                with the control, the number of born alive, weaning and average weaning weight is significantly improved
                with 12.35%, 11.09% and 6.41% (P<0.05), respectively. In conclusion, the different breeding programs influ-
                enced the productive performance of sows, especially on the number of born alive and weaning weight.
                Keywords:Breeding program; Duration of pregnancy; Productive performance

                  ???代?殖?模的?大,?群的健康??及                          殖??妊娠母??行“限?”的?喂模式存在??
              繁殖性能受到了很大的考?,????了提高妊娠                            的??,因 “限?不?”而??的母?后?繁殖性能
              母?的胚胎?床率,也?了通?控制妊娠母?的体                            ?害已越?越?重,?已?引起????者的高度
              ??提高母?哺乳期的采食量,?妊娠母??行                             ?注。在限制???件下,母?采食后仍?在??
             “限?”的?喂模式,一般采用不同的?喂量???                            或半????,?而使母??生刻板症等一系列异
              不同???段妊娠母?的??需要。另一方面,?                            常行?即行??癖 。行??癖通常被??是一种
              ???源: 廊坊市科技支??划?目 ??: 2015012005
                                                                均?生?面影?,表???在地影??物的健康 。
              ?技??院?物科?与技?系,?事?物??研究。E-mail:                         本??根据??外的分?段??程序,并?合
              1418659509@;TEL:13903162352                ??母?群体的品种及不同的?殖?境,采用不同
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